Menopause care Woodside, NY - Hormone Health Institute

Understanding Menopause

What is Menopause?

Menopause is a natural transition in a woman's life when her menstrual periods stop permanently and she can no longer get pregnant. The years leading up to menopause are called perimenopause. During perimenopause, estrogen levels become more irregular and begin to decline. As estrogen declines, it affects the brain, bones, heart, skin, and other tissues and organs. While menopause is a normal part of aging, it can also increase the risk for certain medical issues like bone loss, heart disease, and mood changes. Timely treatment of hormone deficiency is important to help prevent risks associated with menopause.

Our services

Signs and Symptoms

The most common signs and symptoms of menopause include:

Hormone Therapy Benefits

Relief of Symptoms

Hormone therapy (HT) can provide relief for many of the symptoms of menopause. HT replaces hormones that decline during perimenopause and menopause. The most commonly prescribed HT contains estrogen. Taking estrogen regularly can:

Other key benefits:

Protecting Long-Term Health

In addition to relieving uncomfortable short-term symptoms, HT also has important long-term protective health benefits when taken appropriately:

Starting HT around the time of menopause and staying on it for 6-7 years provides the best health outcomes. Hormone Health Institute providers stay up-to-date on all the latest research to create fully customized treatment plans for each patient.

Take control of your menopause journey today!

Hormone Health Institute Approach to Menopausal Care

Personalized Care Plans

No two women experience menopause the same way. That's why Hormone Health Institute builds fully customized menopausal care plans tailored to each patient's unique health status, risk factors, symptoms and lifestyle.

Care plans may include bioidentical hormone therapy to relieve symptoms and provide long-lasting health protection. Bioidentical hormones have the same chemical structure as the hormones naturally made by the human body. This makes them easier for the body to recognize and utilize effectively.

In addition, Hormone Health Institute providers may recommend adjustments to diet, exercise, stress management and other lifestyle factors to complement hormone treatments. Regular follow-ups and lab testing ensure hormone levels are optimized for each patient's individual needs.

Key Menopause Topics and Treatments

Diagnosing Menopause

Accurately diagnosing when menopause begins is essential for determining the best treatments. Most women go through menopause between the ages of 45 and 55. Perimenopause irregularity can begin 8-10 years beforehand.

At Hormone Health Institute, we offer advanced hormone testing to pinpoint each woman's menopausal status, estrogen levels and specific treatment needs.

Lab tests check levels of key hormones like estradiol and FSH. Tracking symptoms and changes in menstrual cycles also provides important diagnostic clues.

Getting properly tested is the first step in developing an effective, personalized menopause treatment plan.

Hot Flash and Night Sweat Relief

For most women, hot flashes are the most disruptive physical symptom of menopause. Night sweats can also significantly impact sleep quality.

Hormone therapy containing estrogen and/or progesterone helps cool hot flashes in up to 90% of women. Finding the right delivery method - oral tablet, patch, gel, etc. - optimizes symptom relief.

Lifestyle adjustments can provide added relief:

Vaginal Dryness and Discomfort

As estrogen levels fall during menopause, vaginal tissues often lose elasticity, lubrication and pH balance. This can cause pronounced symptoms like:

Vaginal estrogen therapy effectively treats these issues by restoring moisture, health and comfortable function. Custom-formulated creams, tablets or rings directly supply estrogen to vaginal areas needing it most.

In addition to hormone treatments, water-based lubricants and moisturizers can temporarily relieve discomfort during sex.

Bone Health and Osteoporosis Prevention

Estrogen plays an important role in bone remodeling and health. During menopause, declining estrogen accelerates bone loss, increasing the risk of osteoporosis and debilitating bone fractures.

Hormone Health Institute optimizes bone health during menopause through:

Treating and preventing osteoporosis is a key reason for menopausal women to have their hormone levels tested and properly balanced.

Heart Health and Disease Prevention

Heart disease risk increases after menopause. Estrogen helps protect heart health, so falling estrogen levels after menopause can impair heart function.

Research shows hormone therapy containing estrogen:

These protective cardiovascular benefits are strongest when HT is started around the time of menopause. Women with pre-existing heart issues may require specialized modified regimens.

Emotional Well-Being

Menopause involves more than just physical changes - it can be an emotionally challenging transition as well. Stress, anxiety, sadness and irritability frequently accompany menopause. Relationships and body image may require adjustment.

At Hormone Health Institute, we offer comprehensive emotional support, including:

Balancing hormones is also hugely impactful - estrogen and other hormones influence neurotransmitters that regulate mood. Optimizing hormones alleviates many emotional menopause symptoms.

Interesting fact

Many women going through menopause find that acupuncture can help ease troublesome symptoms. Multiple studies have shown acupuncture to be effective at reducing hot flashes, night sweats, mood changes, and sleep disturbances related to menopause without the need for hormones or medications. The precise way that acupuncture helps is still being researched, but evidence confirms it as a safe, drug-free option for managing menopause.

Importance of Prompt Menopause Care

Going through menopause without medical guidance or treatment commonly allows bothersome symptoms and long-term health risks to needlessly persist. Hormone Health Institute urges all perimenopausal and menopausal women not to delay seeking proper care and symptom relief.

Key reasons to promptly connect with a menopause specialist:

Optimizing Timing and Duration of Treatments

Multiple research studies confirm that the timing and duration of menopause treatments strongly influence results and health protections. Key findings include:

Due to this evidence, the Hormone Health Institute approach aligns carefully with treatment timing research for optimal safety and efficacy. Our providers collaborate closely with patients to fully personalize duration recommendations based on each woman's health status and risk factors.

Take control of menopause. Contact us today!

Hormone Health Institute Menopause Specialists

The compassionate, knowledgeable menopause practitioners at Hormone Health Institute have over 25 years combined experience successfully treating thousands of perimenopausal and postmenopausal women.

We continually monitor the latest research and apply evidence-based best practices to balance hormones, relieve symptoms, and protect long-term health after menopause.

Hormone Health Institute providers develop fully customized treatment plans addressing the whole woman - mind, body and health. Please () to discuss your symptoms, health goals and personalized menopause management strategy.

Hormone Health Institute Holistic Approach

In addition to specialized hormone testing and bioidentical hormone therapy, Hormone Health Institute also offers comprehensive lifestyle guidance and wellness support. Managing menopause well requires a holistic perspective.

Nutrition and Weight Management

Hormonal changes during menopause often slow metabolism and make maintaining a healthy weight more challenging. Our nutrition experts provide customized diet recommendations targeting:

Improving nutrition not only helps manage weight, it also stabilizes energy/mood and promotes overall wellness.

Fitness and Exercise

Exercise is equally important for healthy weight, cardiovascular protection, strong bones and elevated mood.

Hormone Health Institute fitness advisors craft safe, realistic exercise plans that fit seamlessly into each woman's abilities and lifestyle. Recommendations target:

We also offer customized fitness classes. Specialized group training provides community support while addressing common menopause concerns like osteoporosis prevention, joint protection, and reducing fatigue.

Stress Management and Emotional Health

Learning effective stress management techniques is vital for women navigating menopause. Chronic stress exacerbates unpleasant symptoms like hot flashes, fatigue and mood instability.

To counteract stress, Hormone Health Institute teaches healthy coping methods like:

We also screen for depression/anxiety and offer counseling for those needing added emotional care during this transition.

Local Partners and Resources

Hormone Health Institute partners with exceptional local establishments to make high-quality care as convenient as possible for patients:

Lab testing: Woodside Labs offers advanced hormone tests to accurately diagnose menopausal status and inform treatment plans.

Nutrition: Healthy Bites Cafe provides personalized meal plans and cooking classes using nutritious menopause-friendly ingredients.

Fitness: Woodside Gym crafts customized exercise programs for menopausal women focusing on heart health, strength and balance.

In addition, Hormone Health Institute refers patients to top specialists across all fields to complement our integrative care: gynecologists, cardiologists, gastroenterologists, dermatologists, sleep experts and more. We guide you to Woodside’s best resources for thriving through menopause.

Please contact Hormone Health Institute today to explore how our comprehensive, compassionate care can expertly guide you through menopause.

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